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BA (HONS) Photography...Latest News...

Open Eye Exhibition Visit and Redeye Professional Advise Day

University of Bolton photographic students and staff benefited from a lecture at Open Eye photographic gallery, Liverpool thanks to Thomas Dukes, Curator at Open Eye. Thomas gave two, back to back talks to students then answered questions about the galleries 40th anniversary exhibition titled Northern Identity.



Ian Glover
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University of Bolton Photography Industry Advisor Katrina Houghton from Redeye, the photography network visited the final year students whilst they prepared their professional practice work. Katrina, seen here with Ian Glover, Programme Leader for BA (HONS) Photography gave a detailed and engaging talk to students about how Redeye can support photographers leaving education and offered individual advise to students at an informal seminar after coffee. We are very grateful to Katrina and Redeye for their support with our students.

Ian Glover

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